How to Stencil


To paint a wood sign with stencils, you will need the following materials:

  • Wood sign

  • Stencils

  • Stencil brush or sponge

  • Acrylic paint

  • Painters tape or masking tape

  • Pencil

  • Ruler or straight edge (optional)

Here's how to get started:

  1. Gather your materials and set up your work area. Cover your work surface with a drop cloth or newspaper to protect it from spills and splatters.

  2. Choose a stencil and position it on the wood sign where you want it to be painted. Secure the stencil in place with painters tape or masking tape. If you are using multiple stencils, use a pencil to lightly mark the placement of each one on the wood sign.

  3. Choose your paint colors and squeeze a small amount of each color onto a palette or plate. Dip the stencil brush or sponge into the paint, making sure to remove any excess.

  4. Holding the stencil brush or sponge at a slight angle, dab the paint onto the stencil, using a light, bouncing motion. Be sure to use enough paint to fully cover the stencil, but not so much that it bleeds under the edges.

  5. Carefully remove the stencil and set it aside to dry. Repeat the process with any additional stencils, using a different color or shade for each one if desired.

  6. Allow the paint to dry completely before removing the painters tape or masking tape. Once the paint is dry, you can display your newly painted wood sign or give it as a gift.